Combo functions in the game Super Smash Bros

Combo functions in the game Super Smash Bros

Combo functions are a crucial aspect of Super Smash Bros, allowing players to chain together multiple moves to create devastating attacks. Combos can vary in length and complexity, ranging from

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Celebrate Chinese New Year With Mytrix!

Celebrate Chinese New Year With Mytrix!

Mytrixtech is celebrating the Chinese New Year by having a site wide sale event! Use code "Chinese23" to commemorate the year of the rabbit and get 15% off all of our

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How PC Gaming has changed over the years

How PC Gaming has changed over the years

  PC gaming has come a long way since the days of Pong and Pac-Man. In the early days of gaming, players had to make do with simple graphics and

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet break the Nintendo record by selling over 10 million units in just three days.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet break the Nintendo record by selling over 10 million units in just three days.

This holiday season has started very strong for Nintendo this year. In addition to selling an incredible 10 million units combined within the first three days of release, Pokemon Scarlet

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Nintendo Shuts Down 3DS and Wii U's Online Feature

Nintendo Shuts Down 3DS and Wii U's Online Feature

Nintendo shuts down yet another 3DS and Wii U online feature as both nintendo consoles move closer to the end of their product lifecycles, will Nintendo ever port over their

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